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web browsers statistics 2009
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Web browsers statistics 2009, chart

On this page you can find web browsers statistics 2009, data grouped by browser name. Browsers statistics 2009 chart display usage of common usable browsers by parts (different browser - different color). It's very easy to calculate by division of browsers usage total count to sum of all traffic per year. There are leading browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari. Total sum of other browsers is very low - only 2%. There are browsers version break down on this page.
InternetExplorer is most usable. Windows Internet Explorer (MSIE, IE), is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995. It was only 3% of users that use IE in 1995, it become in ten times more popular in 1996-1997 (17-26% of usage) and Netscape Navigator was in use by more then half of internet users. Starting from last part 1998 - InternetExplorer was most common browser of internet. Peak of usage - about 95%, it was during 2002 and 2003 with IE5 and IE6. Year 2004 - FireFox was deployed, and it take some part of IE users.

Any third party usage of this web browsers statistics 2009 is forbidden (except offline usage), this data linked with My-Addr's Project only.