On this page you can find
web browsers statistics 2009, data grouped by browser name. Browsers statistics 2009 chart display usage of common usable browsers by parts (different browser - different color).
It's very easy to calculate by division of browsers usage total count to sum of all traffic per year.
There are leading browsers: Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, Opera, Safari. Total sum of other browsers is very low - only 2%. There are browsers version break down on this page.
InternetExplorer is most usable.
Windows Internet Explorer (MSIE, IE), is a series of graphical web browsers developed by Microsoft and included as part of the Microsoft Windows line of operating systems starting in 1995.
It was only 3% of users that use IE in 1995, it become in ten times more popular in 1996-1997 (17-26% of usage) and Netscape Navigator was in use by more then half of internet users.
Starting from last part 1998 - InternetExplorer was most common browser of internet. Peak of usage - about 95%, it was during 2002 and 2003 with IE5 and IE6. Year 2004 - FireFox was deployed, and it take some part of IE users.